Monday, September 3, 2007

Your money and your brain

Humankind evolved to seek rewards and avoid risks but not to invest wisely.

(Money Magazine) -- For most purposes in daily life, your brain is a superbly functioning machine, steering you away from danger while guiding you toward basic rewards like food, shelter and love.

But that brilliant machine can lead you astray when it comes to investing.

You buy high only to sell low. You try to time the market. You follow the crowd. You make the same mistakes again. And again. How come?

We're beginning to get answers. Scientists in the emerging field of "neuroeconomics" - a hybrid of neuroscience, economics and psychology - are making stunning discoveries about how the brain evaluates rewards, sizes up risks and calculates probabilities.

With the wonders of imaging technology we can observe the precise neural circuitry that switches on and off in your brain when you invest. Those pictures make it clear that your investing brain often drives you to do things that make no logical sense - but make perfect emotional sense.

Your brain developed to improve our species' odds of survival. You, like every other human, are wired to crave what looks rewarding and shun what seems risky.

To counteract these impulses, your brain has only a thin veneer of modern, analytical circuits that are often no match for the power of the ancient parts of your mind. And when you win, lose or risk money, you stir up some profound emotions, including hope, surprise, regret and the two we'll examine here: greed and fear.

Understanding how those feelings - as a matter of biology - affect your decision-making will enable you to see as never before what makes you tick, and how you can improve, as an investor.

Greed: The thrill of the chase

Why is it so hard for most of us to learn that the old saying "Money doesn't buy happiness" is true? After all, we feel as if it should.

The answer lies in a cruel irony that has enormous implications for financial behavior: Our brains come equipped with a biological mechanism that is more aroused when we anticipate a profit than when we get one.

I lived through the rush of greed in an experiment run by Brian Knutson, a neuroscientist at Stanford University. Knutson put me into a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner to trace my brain activity while I played a kind of investing video game that he had designed.

By combining an enormous magnet and a radio signal, the fMRI scanner pinpoints momentary changes in the level of oxygen as blood ebbs and flows within the brain, enabling researchers to map the neural regions engaged by a particular task.

In Knutson's experiment, a display inside the fMRI machine showed me a sequence of shapes that each signaled a different amount of money: zero ($0), medium ($1) or large ($5). If the symbol was a circle, I could win the dollar amount displayed; if it was a square, I could lose the amount shown.

After each shape came up, between 2 and 2½ seconds would pass - that's the anticipation phase, when I was on tenterhooks waiting for my chance to win or lose - and then a white square would appear for a split second.

To win or avoid losing the amount I had been shown, I had to click a button with my finger when the square appeared. At the highest of the three levels of difficulty, I had less than one-fifth of a second to hit the button. After each try the screen showed how much I'd just won or lost and updated my cumulative score.

When a shape signaling a small reward or penalty appeared, I clicked placidly and either won or lost. But if a circle marked with the symbols of a big, easy payout came up, I could feel a wave of expectation sweep through me. At that moment, the fMRI scan showed, the neurons in a reflexive, or emotional, part of my brain called the nucleus accumbens fired like wild.

When Knutson measured the activity tracked by the scan, he found that the possibility of winning $5 set off twice as strong a signal in my brain as the chance at gaining $1 did.

On the other hand, learning the outcome of my actions was no big deal. Whenever I captured the reward, Knutson's scanner found that the neurons in my nucleus accumbens fired much less intensely than they had when I was hoping to get it. Based on the dozens of people Knutson has studied, it's highly unlikely that your brain would respond much differently.

Why does the reflexive part of the brain make a bigger deal of what we might get than of what we do get? That function is part of what Brian Knutson's mentor, Jaak Panksepp of Bowling Green State University in Ohio, calls "the seeking system."

Over millions of years of evolution, it was the thrill of anticipation that put our senses in a state of high awareness, bracing us to capture uncertain rewards. Our anticipation circuitry, says Paul Slovic, a psychologist at the University of Oregon, acts as a "beacon of incentive" that enables us to pursue rewards that can be earned only with patience and commitment.

If we derived no pleasure from imagining riches down the road, we would grab only at those gains that loom immediately in front of us.

Thus our seeking system functions partly as a blessing and partly as a curse. We pay close attention to the possibility of coming rewards, but we also expect that the future will feel better than it does once it turns into the present.

A vivid example of this is the stock of Celera Genomics Group. In September 1999, Celera began sequencing the human genome. By identifying each of the 3 billion molecular pairings that make up human DNA, the company could make one of the biggest leaps in the history of biotechnology. Investors went wild with anticipation, driving the stock to a peak of $244 in early 2000.

Then, on June 26, Celera announced that it had completed cracking the code. How did the stock react? By tanking. It dropped 10.2% that day and another 12.7% the next day. Nothing had occurred to change the company's fortunes for the worse.

Quite the contrary: Celera had achieved a scientific miracle. So what happened? The likeliest explanation is simply that the anticipation of Celera's success was so intense that reality was a letdown.

Getting exactly what they wished for left investors with nothing to look forward to, so they got out and the stock crashed.

Greed: The stuff of memories

Researchers in Germany tested whether anticipating a financial gain can improve memory. A team of neurologists scanned people's brains with an fMRI machine while showing them pictures of objects like a hammer or a car.

Some images were paired with the chance to win half a euro, while others led to no reward. The participants soon learned which pictures were reliably associated with the prospect of making money, and the scan showed that their anticipation circuits fired furiously when those images appeared.

Immediately afterward, the researchers showed the participants a larger set of pictures, including some that had not been displayed inside the scanner. People were highly accurate at distinguishing the pictures they had seen during the experiment and equally adept at recognizing which of those pictures had predicted a gain.

Three weeks later the participants came back to the lab, where they were shown the pictures again. This time people could even more readily distinguish the pictures that had signaled a financial gain from those that had not - although they hadn't laid eyes on them in 21 days!

Astounded, the researchers went back and re-examined the fMRI scans from three weeks earlier. It turned out that the potentially rewarding pictures had set off more intense activation not only in the anticipation circuits but also in the hippocampus, a part of the brain where long-term memories live.

The fire of expectation, it seems, somehow sears the memory of potential rewards more deeply into the brain. "The anticipation of reward," says neurologist Emrah Düzel, "is more important for memory formation than is the receipt of reward."

Anticipation has another unusual neural wrinkle. Brian Knutson has found that while your reflexive brain is highly responsive to variations in the amount of reward at stake, it is much less sensitive to changes in the probability of receiving a reward.

If a lottery jackpot was $100 million and the posted odds of winning fell from one in 10 million to one in 100 million, would you be 10 times less likely to buy a ticket? If you're like most people, you probably would shrug, say "A long shot's a long shot" and be just as happy buying a ticket as before.

That's because, as economist George Loewenstein of Carnegie Mellon University explains, the "mental image" of $100 million sets off a burst of anticipation in the reflexive regions of your brain. Only later will the analytical, or reflective, areas calculate that you're less likely to win than Ozzy Osbourne is to be elected Pope.

When possibility is in the room, probability goes out the window. It's no different when you buy a stock or a mutual fund: Your expectation of scoring a big gain elbows aside your ability to evaluate how likely you are to earn it. That means your brain will tend to get you into trouble whenever you're confronted with an opportunity to buy an investment with a hot - but probably unsustainable - return.

Fear: What are you afraid of?

Here are two questions that might, at first, seem silly.

1 Which is riskier: a nuclear reactor or sunlight?

2 Which animal is responsible for the greatest number of human deaths in the U.S.? a) Alligator b) Deer c) Snake d) Bear e) Shark

Now let's look at the answers. The worst nuclear accident in history occurred when the reactor at Chernobyl, Ukraine melted down in 1986. Early estimates were that tens of thousands of people might be killed by radiation poisoning. By 2006, however, fewer than 100 had died. Meanwhile, nearly 8,000 Americans are killed every year by skin cancer, commonly caused by overexposure to the sun.

In the typical year, deer are responsible for roughly 130 human fatalities - seven times more than alligators, bears, sharks and snakes combined. Deer, of course, don't attack. Instead, they step in front of cars, causing deadly collisions.

None of this means that nuclear radiation is good for you or that rattlesnakes are harmless. What it does mean is that we are often most afraid of the least likely dangers and frequently not worried enough about the risks that have the greatest chances of coming home to roost.

We're no different when it comes to money. Every investor's worst nightmare is a stock market collapse like the crash of 1929. According to a recent survey of 1,000 investors, there's a 51% chance that "in any given year, the U.S. stock market might drop by one-third."

In fact, the odds that U.S. stocks will lose a third of their value in a given year are around 2%. The real risk isn't that the market will melt down but that inflation will erode your savings. Yet only 31% of the people surveyed were worried that they might run out of money during their first 10 years of retirement.

If we were logical we would judge the odds of a risk by asking how often something bad has actually happened under similar circumstances. Instead, explains psychologist Daniel Kahneman, "we tend to judge the probability of an event by the ease with which we can call it to mind."

The more recently it occurred or the more vivid our memory of something like it in the past, the more "available" an event will be in our minds - and the more probable its recurrence will seem.

Fear: The hot button of the brain

Deep in the center of your brain, level with the top of your ears, lies a small, almond-shaped knob of tissue called the amygdala (ah-mig-dah-lah). When you confront a potential risk, this part of your reflexive brain acts as an alarm system - shooting signals up to the reflective brain like warning flares. (There are two amygdalas, one on each side of your brain.)

The result is that a moment of panic can wreak havoc on your investing strategy. Because the amygdala is so attuned to big changes, a sudden drop in the market tends to be more upsetting than a longer, slower decline, even if it's greater in total.

On Oct. 19, 1987, the U.S. stock market plunged 23% - a deeper one-day drop than the crash of '29. Big, sudden and inexplicable, the '87 crash was exactly the kind of event that sparks the amygdala.

The memory was hard to shake: In 1988, U.S. investors sold $15 billion more worth of shares in stock mutual funds than they bought, and their net purchases of stock funds didn't recover to pre-crash levels until 1991.

One bad Monday disrupted the behavior of millions of people for years. There was something more at work here than merely investors' individual fears. Anyone who has ever been a teenager knows that peer pressure can make you do things as part of a group that you might never do on your own.

But do you make a conscious choice to conform or does the herd exert an automatic, almost magnetic, force?

People were recently asked to judge whether three-dimensional objects were the same or different. Sometimes the folks being tested made these choices in isolation. Other times they first saw the responses of four "peers" (who were, in fact, colluding with the researcher).

When people made their own choices, they were right 84% of the time. When the peer group all made the wrong choice, however, the individuals being tested chose correctly just 59% of the time.

Brain scans showed that when the subjects followed the peer group, activation in parts of their frontal cortex decreased, as if social pressure was somehow overpowering the reflective, or analytical, brain. When people did buck the consensus, brain scans found intense firing in the amygdala.

Neuroscientist Gregory Berns, who led the study, calls this flare-up a sign of "the emotional load associated with standing up for one's belief." Social isolation activates some of the same areas in the brain that are triggered by physical pain.

In short, you go along with the herd not because you want to but because it hurts not to. Being part of a large group of investors can make you feel safer when everything is going great. But once risk rears its ugly head, there's no safety in numbers.

Fear: Fright makes right

I learned how my own amygdala reacts to risk when I participated in an experiment at the University of Iowa. First I was wired up with electrodes and other monitoring devices to track my breathing, heartbeat, perspiration and muscle activity.

Then I played a computer game designed by neurologists Antoine Bechara and Antonio Damasio. Starting with $2,000 in play money, I clicked a mouse to select a card from one of four decks displayed on the monitor in front of me. Each "draw" of a card made me either "richer" or "poorer."

I soon learned that the two left decks were more likely to produce big gains but even bigger losses, while the two right decks blended more frequent but smaller gains with a lower chance of big losses. Gradually I began picking most of my cards from the decks on the right; by the end of the experiment I had drawn 24 cards in a row from those safer decks.

Afterward I looked over the printout that traced my spiking heartbeat and panting breath as the red alert of risk swept through my body, even though I didn't recall ever feeling nervous.

Early on, when I drew a card that lost me $1,140, my pulse rate shot from 75 to 145. After a few more bad losses from the risky decks, my body would start reacting even before I selected a card from one of them.

Merely moving the cursor over the risky decks was enough to make my physiological functions go haywire. My decisions, it turns out, had been driven by fear even though the "thinking" part of my mind had no idea I was afraid. Ironically - and thankfully - this highly emotional part of our brain can actually help us act more rationally.

When Bechara and Damasio run their card-picking game with people whose amygdalas have been injured, the subjects never learn to avoid choosing from the riskier decks.

If told that they have just lost money, their body doesn't react; they can no longer feel a financial loss. Without the saving grace of fear, the analytical parts of the brain will keep trying to beat the odds, with disastrous results. "The process of deciding advantageously," concludes Damasio, "is not just logical but also emotional."

Kahneman: Master of the imperfect mind

Daniel Kahneman won a Nobel for explaining why people habitually make the wrong moves when investing or spending their money. Who better to tell you how to do it right?

(Money Magazine) -- It isn't often that a psychologist helps explain personal finance, but Daniel Kahneman isn't an ordinary psychologist. In 2002 he won a Nobel Prize in economics for his research into how people confront uncertainty.

Raised in France and Israel and formerly a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, UC-Berkeley and Princeton, Kahneman has spent half a century studying how the human mind works - or fails to.

Just retired at age 73, Kahneman is now writing a book about decision-making in collaboration with Money Magazine's Jason Zweig. The two recently chatted on the record.

Q. Are people rational?

A. Economists argue that people are rational - that they use all available information to make decisions and that those decisions are consistent over time. Psychologists say that is totally unrealistic. Economists think about what people ought to do. Psychologists watch what they actually do.

Q. Such as?

A. How people respond to a risk depends partly on how it is described. An investment said to have an 80% chance of success sounds far more attractive than one with a 20% chance of failure. The mind can't easily recognize that they are the same.

Q. You once said we'd all be better investors if we just made fewer decisions.

A. Two decisions really matter: how much of your wealth you want to put at risk and how much risk you want to take with it.

Q. Those aren't easy decisions!

A. No, but they are few. Investing should be an orderly process in which you make long-term commitments along the course those two big decisions set for you.

Small decisions tend to be based on what the market does, and are likely to be wrong. That's why you should implement policies in a broad frame rather than make decisions in a narrow frame.

Q. What's the difference?

A. Here's one example. If you use a narrow frame and make small decisions, you will buy and sell stocks one at a time. You will have high trading costs, sell your winners too soon and hang on to your losers too long.

On the other hand, if you use a broad frame and implement a policy, you will rebalance regularly and automatically. You will buy or sell stocks as a class, rather than one by one, and you will do so only when they cross a target level that you have set in advance.

Q. Why does everything in life seem to go over budget?

A. That's what I call the planning fallacy. When you have a project to complete, you try to be realistic about how long it will take and what it will cost.

But your plan is still largely a best-case scenario, because it is based only on your inside view.

Q. So if you're renovating your bathroom, say, don't just ask the contractor for his estimate -

A. - but also look at broader statistics, like the national average of what it costs to remodel a bathroom -

Q. - which, when we renovated the one in my house, was a lot closer to the final price than my contractor's lowball estimate had been. I thought I was getting a bargain. [Pause.] Can we change the subject, please? Does money make people happy?

A. It's nonsense to say money doesn't buy happiness, but people exaggerate the extent to which more money can buy more happiness. Happiness is determined by factors like your health, your family relationships and friendships, and above all by feeling that you are in control of how you spend your time.

Q. Can buying things make us happier?

A. There's an important difference between pleasures and comforts. Pleasures are things like flowers, feasts, vacations - investments in family, friends and memories. Comforts are material goods like a big new car or a giant plasma TV or -

Q. - a renovated bathroom.

A. That's right. Comforts always seem like a better idea before you buy them than afterward. Trust me, you will get more durable satisfaction out of the money you spend on pleasures.

8 ways to tame your brain

The investing world is full of traps and our brains are wired to lead us into them.

(Money Magazine) -- Most investors think too much and end up making the wrong moves. Follow these 8 guidelines and make the right ones.

Avoid the "sure thing"

Your "seeking system" is especially turned on by the prospect of a big score, and that in turn will hinder your ability to calculate realistic odds for the success of an investment.

Be on your guard against any sales rep who tries to lure you with jackpot jargon like "can't miss," "double your money" or "the sky's the limit."

Remember: lightning seldom strikes twice

If you've ever had the taste of a big gain, you'll likely be tempted to try to get that feeling back. So be especially wary of investing in stocks or mutual funds that remind you of the one you made a killing on long ago; chances are, any similarities to another investment, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

Think twice

Making a financial decision while you're inflamed by the prospects of a big gain - or a huge paper loss - is a terrible idea.

Calm yourself down (if you don't have kids to distract you, take a walk around the block or go to the gym) and reconsider when the heat of the moment has passed.

Get away from the herd

If you are part of an investment organization, appoint an internal sniper whose job is to shoot down ideas everyone likes. (Rotate this role to prevent one person from becoming universally disliked.)

Similarly, if you're at a barbecue and your friends are talking up a seemingly great opportunity, speak to someone you respect who isn't part of the group before you jump in.

Lock up your "mad money"

Put at least 90% of your stock money into a low-cost, diversified index fund that owns everything in the market. Put 10%, tops, at risk on speculative trades. Be sure this "mad money" resides in a separate account from your long-term investments; never mingle them. Never add more money to the speculative account. (It's especially important to resist that temptation when your trades have been doing well.)

If you get wiped out, close out the account.

Control your cues

The stock market generates signals that can goad you into trading. Try watching CNBC with the sound off so that none of the hullabaloo about what the market is doing this second can distract you.

If you walk past the local brokerage firm every day so you can sneak a peek at the electronic ticker, take a different route. If you obsessively check a stock's price, use the "history" window on your browser to count how many times you've updated the price that day. The number may shock you.

Use your words

While vivid sights and sounds - say, red down arrows and scenes of mayhem on the exchange floor - fire up your emotions, the more complex cues of language activate analytical areas of your brain.

To prevent your feelings from overwhelming the facts and leading you to sell in a panic, ask yourself:

- Other than price, what's changed?

- Are my original reasons to invest still valid?

- Shouldn't I like this investment even more now that it's cheaper?

Track your feelings

Many of the world's best investors have learned to treat their own feelings as reverse indicators: Excitement becomes a cue that it's time to consider selling; fear tells them they should be thinking about buying.

I once asked renowned fund manager Brian Posner of Fidelity and Legg Mason how he sensed whether a stock would be a moneymaker. "If it makes me feel like I want to throw up," he answered, "I can be pretty sure it's a great investment."

Money Makeover: The right risks for retirement

Jen and Alix Leon know what they want retirement to look like. To get there, they need to take smart risks with their money - and stop taking bad ones.

NEW YORK (Money Magazine) -- Like most 19-year-olds, Jennifer Leon took a job to help save extra money for a secret splurge. Unlike her peers, though, her splurge was retirement. "I could already see myself older, stepping out of my beach house and right onto the sand," says Jennifer, who worked as a bank teller back then.

Now a small business owner and a 35-year-old mother of two, she remains committed to that vision. "Jen lives for the future," says Alix Leon, 31, her partner of seven years. "I'm the one who lives for the day."

The Leons: Jen, Riley, Alix and Olivia (from left to right)

Jen, owner of a mortgage brokerage in Portland, Ore., is so anxious to get to the beach that she occasionally skips ahead. In February she almost bought a $275,000 lakefront home where she and Alix could retire in 25 years. "With a second child coming," she says, "I suddenly felt like I had to get everything in place."

That wasn't the only time she went into future shock. Hyper-aware that she was missing out on a bull market, she recently told a financial adviser to buy stocks with the $240,000 in a rollover IRA that she had parked in short-term investments. She lost $15,000 in three days, and now the money is back mostly in cash, earning a measly 4 percent. "You can't always see the future," she admits.

Where they are

Alix serves as full-time mom to Rylie, 3, and three-month-old Olivia. Jen leaves a good chunk of her company's earnings in the business and pays herself about $72,000 a year. That funds their household expenses of $4,800 a month. Jennifer has $100,000 in taxable savings accounts and can count on a small pension from the bank where she worked.

Alix, a schoolteacher, plans to return to the classroom in two years. She figures that over a 30-year career she can build a retirement kitty of $350,000. "I'm not concerned about having enough to live on," she says.

Jen worries enough for the two of them. They put just $100 a month into college savings. And they bought a $750,000 house last year and have an interest-only ARM that resets in 2012, meaning their monthly mortgage tab of $2,500 could spike up. "No wonder I have these mini heart attacks," says Jen.

What they need to do

Jennifer has been diligent about saving money, but she and Alix need to add risk to their portfolio, and take it out of the rest of their lives.

Invest smarter. Financial planner Phyllis Carlton of West Linn, Ore. suggests that Jen move her IRA into either a retirement fund with a target date of 2030 or a simple combination of six Money 70 funds (see the portfolio to the right).

These low-cost funds will provide enough exposure to stocks. The target-date fund requires virtually no maintenance. Its asset mix will grow more conservative as Jen gets older. She'll also save the 1.5 percent annual fee she's been paying a planner.

Redirect their savings. Given the profitability of Jen's company, she can put $14,000 a year into what's known as a SEP-IRA and another $4,000 into a Roth IRA. She can also invest $10,000 into each child's 529 plan. Doing so will effectively allow her to convert taxable savings into tax-deferred accounts. They can keep an emergency stash of $30,000.

Protect the kids. The couple have $1.5 million of insurance on Jen but none on Alix. They should spend about $500 a year to get her $500,000 worth of coverage. Otherwise, "Jen would end up depleting her retirement savings for child care," says Carlton.

What if both parents died? As a same-sex couple, they need to have wills that spell everything out. Carlton wants them to bulk up their college savings when Alix returns to work.

Reduce interest-rate risk. The Portland real estate market has proved resilient, and the couple's home has increased in value. Still, when their mortgage resets they could see their payments skyrocket. Without Alix's income they won't qualify for an attractive loan, so they should look to refinance once she's earning money again.

"They have taken on big interest-rate risk," warns Carlton. Jennifer, a bit uncharacteristically, says she isn't worried: "I'll get us a good deal. After all, I am in the business."

Want a Money Makeover? E-mail us at:

5 ways to know if the bull is over

Before it keels over, a bull market typically leaves a few road signs. Here's what to keep an eye on - from Money Magazine.

Teetering on the edge of insurance

Ever wonder what you'd do if you no longer had health insurance? Money Magazine's Carolyn Bigda has some options to consider.

By Carolyn Bigda, Money Magazine writer-reporter

(Money Magazine) -- Small business owners Gordon and Babette Brennan used to pay as much as $800 a month for health insurance. But the Jupiter, Fla. couple felt like they received little in return: Claims for ordinary pediatrician visits for their son Ryan were denied. Procedures like blood tests weren't covered. Co-pays were $40 a pop.

"It was beyond frustrating," says Gordon, 41. But making a combined salary of $90,000 from their dog-training school, "we were in this pocket where we made too much to get assistance but couldn't afford a good plan," says Babette, 39.

So in 2002 the couple decided to drop their policy and go off the health insurance grid.

It seemed like a reasonable gamble at the time: Pay out of pocket and maybe spend less than premiums and co-pays combined. For a while it worked too.

When Babette became pregnant with their second child in 2004, she negotiated with her doctor for delivery costs - and spent $2,000 less than insurance would have charged in premiums alone.

Then baby Sarah was diagnosed with Leber's amaurosis, a congenital eye disease that leaves her legally blind. Over the next few years, the doctors say, she'll require about $1,500 a year in ongoing care, a test that will cost $20,000 and possibly surgery costing $5,000 or more.

With Sarah's pre-existing condition, the Brennans feel like they won't get an affordable insurance policy at this point. Yet with little savings, they face the prospect of borrowing money from family to pay for Sarah's care or getting a corporate job just for the benefits.

Odds are you're comfortably covered by a group plan subsidized by your employer, as are more than 155 million Americans. But lying awake at night, it's all too possible to imagine yourself in the Brennans' nightmare scenario.

What if you were downsized, say, or left your job to start your own business? Could you afford the kind of policy you'd need? If a member of your family had a chronic condition, could you find an insurer who'd take you at any price?

These are tough questions: Premiums on the average individual-market family policy jumped 5.5 percent between 2005 and 2006, deductibles 8.5 percent; and in most states an insurer can reject you for almost any reason. Even so, you probably would not have to go without coverage.

Your options might not be great, but you'd have some. Here's what you'd have to do.

First, avoid a coverage gap

If someone in your family has a health condition and you let existing coverage lapse, you could find it very hard to get back on a plan on your own. Except in five states - Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Vermont - individual health plans can reject applicants for pre-existing illnesses. In many states, insurers can choose to exclude treatment for a year or more, or indefinitely.

Avoid this scenario entirely: If you're about to lose employer-sponsored insurance, sign up for COBRA, which will extend your company benefits for 18 months. You'll pay the same rate your company does now, plus up to 2 percent in administrative fees. (That's cheaper than you'd likely find for a comparable individual policy, but you won't enjoy the considerable subsidy you probably get from your employer. Brace yourself: The average employer sponsored plan costs $11,480 annually for a family.)

If you're still uninsured when the 18 months are up, act fast to get an individual policy - a federal law called HIPAA guarantees you access to coverage without exclusions if you apply within 63 days of losing COBRA.

Know what you need

Before you start hunting for a policy, look back at the past year of your health care to determine what you need.

Inevitably, the more extensive the coverage and the lower the deductible, the higher the premium. For the kind of low-deductible comprehensive family policy you'd get through a job, for example, you'd pay $950 a month or more. Expensive as that is, it could be the most cost-effective option if you need regular care and prefer paying up front.

If your family is fairly healthy, though, a high-deductible health plan might be better, since premiums can run about 60 percent lower. Pick a qualifying plan - which will have a minimum family deductible of $2,200 and a maximum out of pocket of $11,000 in 2007 - and you can save for those doctor bills in a tax-advantaged health savings account (HSA).

Families are allowed to put away up to $5,650 in an HSA this year, and whatever you don't spend in a given year can roll over tax-free into the next. Still, if you choose this option, you want to be sure you'll be able to set aside funds up to the deductible.

If you're healthy...

In most states, you'll probably get the best rates on the individual market, where your premiums don't have to cover the risks of others. Go to to shop your options.

Also consult with a handful of insurance brokers (find one in your area at Each one may have different companies and policies to offer you.

If you have a chronic illness...

Already missed the 63-day window to getting an individual policy without exclusions? Start by checking to see if an industry group or a professional organization in your field has negotiated a plan with guaranteed coverage.

The Freelancers Union, for example, offers policies to members in New York regardless of health, and at a 40 percent discount to typical premiums in the individual market, according to the organization's executive director.

Not every organization will offer you a break on rates, however. As affiliation groups become magnets for people too ill to find policies elsewhere, more insurers have stopped writing coverage. Those that remain may well charge more than you'd find on your own.

Other options: If you own a small business, you may be able to establish a group plan with as few as one employee (who could even be you). Again, this is mainly a way to get around rejection for pre-existing conditions or to get benefits such as maternity that are not often covered under individual plans. With such a small pool, you probably won't find premiums much lower than in the individual market.

Many states also have state-sponsored high-risk pools (find them at to help cover the "uninsurable," but they run up to twice as much as individual plans.

If you have no other options...

What if you can't get covered at all or can't afford it? You may at least be able to protect your kids.

Some states expanded the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), a partner program of Medicaid, to allow middle-income families to buy comprehensive, guaranteed coverage for their children. (Partially funded with federal dollars, the program's budget is under debate in Congress, but it remains available for now.)

Otherwise, talk with your doctors about your predicament. Many are empathetic about health insurance costs and are therefore willing to negotiate. Or find clinics offering low-cost care at

For prescriptions, some pharmaceutical companies offer assistance; see and Many hospitals offer reduced rates or financial assistance.

As for the Brennans, a frustrating search for new insurance finally had a solution. Because of Sarah's condition, they were unable to find an affordable family policy in the individual market, and their trade group didn't offer a group policy.

Deciding that they'd rather pay a high deductible than high premiums, they rejected a small business policy, which would have run $900 to $1,300 a month, according to estimates by independent insurance broker Alan Leafman.

But as it turns out, Sarah can qualify for a SCHIP policy with no deductible for about $160 per month, and the other Brennans can qualify for a family plan with Humana for a $131 monthly premium, $10,400 deductible and free well visits. Total monthly outlay: $291.

Babette says that such a policy sets her mind at ease. "At least this way I don't have to worry about what we'll do if there's an emergency."

Your house: Breaking the bank

Why it may not be such a wise idea to use your home as a source of funds.

By Amanda Gengler , Money Magazine writer-reporter

NEW YORK (Money Magazine) -- If you've been reading Money Magazine for any length of time, you surely get that saving for retirement should be your top financial priority. Even so, the past decade's easy appreciation in home values has made such fundamental advice seem, well, a lot less urgent.

Or so suggests a National Bureau of Economic Research paper recently published in the Journal of Monetary Economics. Comparing results from the biennial University of Michigan Health and Retirement study, researchers found that, excluding home and business equity, 51- to 56-year-olds hold less wealth than the same age group did in 1992.

"These boomers look richer, but a lot of that wealth is because one asset [their house] revalued," says co-author Annamaria Lusardi, a professor of economics at Dartmouth. "Excluding housing, people have very little in other wealth components."

The study did leave out 401(k) savings, but the median balance for those accounts for a similar age group is only $50,000, while fewer fifty can look forward to guaranteed income from pensions today than could in 1992.

Myth: My home is a sure investment

The results call for a reality check: Are you banking too much on your house?

Truth: Your home value may have more than doubled during the boom, but real estate markets have also been known to suffer prolonged stagnation, even downturns (see the 8 percent drop in median prices this past year in some areas).

If there's a bust on the cusp of your retirement, your pot of gold could turn up half empty. Besides, the past 10 years aside, history suggests that homes don't give much long-term return compared with other investments: A dollar invested in residential real estate in 1963 has barely outperformed a low-risk T-bill, according to a 2007 Fidelity Research Institute report.

Myth: Downsizing will leave me flush with cash

Truth: Even if the market is up when you're ready to exit the work force, you're unlikely to ever see the appreciation in cold hard cash. Prices on smaller homes jumped too during the boom. In Baltimore the median price of a single family home is $278,800; a condo is $239,300. Savings: less than $40,000.

Unless you move to a less pricey area - think San Francisco to Omaha - "you're unlikely to greatly improve your financial picture," says financial planner Jim Sonneborn of Chatham, N.J.

Myth: I can always tap my equity and invest it for even better returns

Truth: Interest rates are up, with average home-equity loans and lines of credit topping 8 percent. So the hurdle is higher. Earning average stock-market returns above 8 percent will require years of riding market ups and downs, time you probably don't have.

As for reinvesting the funds in your home, the days of making it all back are over. A kitchen redo recouped 80 percent on average in 2006, according to Remodeling magazine.

The bottom line: Saving for retirement is still Job No. 1. Your home may provide a roof over your head in retirement, but you'll need cash if you want to eat.